by Aunt Mildred | Sep, 2021
Dear Aunt Mildred,
Some people seem unhappy about some of the changes in drum corps over the years. I love all the changes. I see them as major improvements, with better instruments, better performances, and more interesting programs.
Wearing the same uniforms every year got boring and the addition of large props is awesome. I believe DCI has made drum corps better than ever.
Yours Truly,
Ralph from Bayonne
My dear Ralph,
Everyone is certainly entitled to their opinion, even when they are most misguided. Personally, I much prefer the gloriously “boring” uniforms of years past to the hideous abominations worn recently by the Madison Scouts. I welcome input from our readers on the state of our activity. Meanwhilst, I shall forward this missive to Uncle Phineas to obtain his viewpoint as well.

Most Sincerely,
Aunt Mildred
Dear Mildred,
Thanks for including me in this discussion. I have not paid much attention to drum corps for a while, but I did watch a video of the 2019 DCI Finals. And all I can say (quoting the late Vince Lombardi) is “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON OUT THERE”?!?
I saw more dancing than marching and at times it looked like they were stomping on bugs and had ants in their pants. Half the corps now wear pajamas and it looks like a gosh darned costume party out there.
I saw trombones and gold curly instruments and one corps had a guy playing a violin. And THEY WON! Don’t get me started on the music. It seems like everyone is trying to see who can play the most notes. Will we ever hear ‘Stars and Stripes’’ or ‘Yankee Doodle’ again? I’d even settle for ’76 Trombones’ as long as they don’t play dog gone trombones!
Ralph from Bayonne says he believes DCI has made drum corps better than ever. He probably also believes in the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and is likely a member of the Flat Earth Society. If we are giving opinions, I’ll give you one: I think DCI now stands for Disappointing Changes Implemented. I have more thoughts, but right now I need to listen to the 1965 Royal Airs before my head explodes.

by Aunt Mildred | May, 2021
Dear Aunt Mildred,
As I sit here checking my social calendar, I feel like a homely girl (person – does that make it more p.c.?), sitting at home by the telephone on a Saturday night.
My older brother’s birthday was on February 2nd so I checked in with him and asked, as I have for the last 70 years, if he saw his shadow. He said he couldn’t remember, but he’s 85 years old so I gave him a pass. He’s still much more reliable than that groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, who has a less than 40% accuracy rating.
by Aunt Mildred | Oct, 2020
Dear Aunt Mildred,
I’ve missed you and your family, except for Uncle Phineas. He’s a bore. It’s great to have MMA back and I wish you lots of luck with your new web site. I think it’s going to be great.
My questions are how have been dealing with the pandemic and who was your favorite MA drum corps, instructors, judges etc. in what I feel were the greatest years in the activity, the ‘40s through the ‘70s?
Martha La’Rouche
Salem, MA
by Rick Connor | Oct, 2020
Many years ago I became friendly with a lady at Mission Drums whose name was Mildred. She was at the show with her two sisters, Phoebe and Henrietta and her brother, Phineas. I found Mildred to be an astute drum corps fan who fell in love with the Princemen and their legendary drum major, Scotty Chappell in 1946 at the VFW Nationals.
As she was much older than me, I started calling her Aunt Mildred which she got a kick out of and her sisters also became aunts and her brother an uncle. The only problem came when someone referred to me as her nephew. She became very agitated and stated that “Richard, (she never called me Rick), is not my nephew.” It was the only time I ever heard her raise her voice.
by Aunt Mildred | Sep, 1997
Dear Aunt Mildred:
Here I am, waiting for my plane at Orlando International Airport. I’ve just finished watching three days of the Drum Corps International Championships. Editor Rick, you may know, asked me to do coverage of DCI for Masters of the Marching Arts. Wow!! What a responsibility!! I immediately accepted the assignment. However, now I’m thinking, can I do this? Do I have the observational skills? Do I have the critical acumen? Did I pay attention enough to inform the thousands of readers who weren’t there what really went down in Florida? And, now I have to say that I’m just not sure. You see, Aunt Mildred, I want to write a classic piece on Orlando – something really memorable, but so far I’m staring at a blank sheet of paper.
by Aunt Mildred | Mar, 1997
Hi Aunt Millie,
I love reading your different letters in this fine magazine. I do have one complaint though.
Your editor, Rick Connor, sent this message to me with his latest issue, “Send your check or I’ll kill you.”
Could you please tell Rick his tactics are a little harsh? I hope other subscribers were not forced to subscribe as I was.
Love you,
by Aunt Mildred | Dec, 1996
Dear Aunt Mildred:
When I first met Jim Wedge he only drank milk and coffee. Now he drinks beer. I just don’t know when he’s kidding me now. He claims that the Alumni Corps of Revere has an age limit of 90. I know that seems pretty old, but I was at the show in Plymouth in November. It seemed like most of the corps had 90 year olds in their ranks and I think they were playing OK. Afterwards, there was a party. Jim had a few beers and said the reason for the 90 year old age limit was that he heard Jack Whelan wanted to join Revere. Could this possibly be true?
Yours truly,
by Aunt Mildred | Dec, 1996
Dear Aunt Mildred:
I just got one question for you. A lot of people seem to think you have all the answers.
The jury’s still out in my book and I don’t refer to the O.J. trial.
I’ve been in drum corps for fifty or sixty years and everyone’s always talking about this “Scotty” Chappell guy. I know his real name was Arthur. Why the heck did everyone call him “Scotty”?
by Aunt Mildred | Sep, 1996
Dear Aunt Mildred,
You’re probably wondering why I sent this letter to you care of Masters of the Marching Arts. I happen to be a personal friend of your nephew, R.C., and he gave me the inside track on this new gig of yours and told me that you don’t get paid if there are no letters in an issue. Whereas this is the first issue, how could you be expected to have letters? He sure is one smart dude.
Anyway, my question is this: What is the story on the 27th Lancer Alumni Corps? I think they’re the greatest! I was a little disappointed this year to see them at the Lynn and Beverly shows and then to find out later that there was some kind of a rift – the drummers were mad at the buglers or vice versa? What gives?
by Aunt Mildred | Sep, 1996
Dear Aunt Mildred,
My favorite corps was the Cambridge Caballeros and it seems that they broke up when they were at their peak. Why?
Also, they had a short tenor drummer, who really looked old, and a chaperone who both had the same name, but with the drummer it was his first name and with the chaperone it was her last name. I believe their names were Cisco Palomino and Ma Cisco. Were they related somehow?