by MMA Staff | Jun, 2021

This week, Jim Macri shares his musings in Some Random Thoughts Inspired by an Old Photo.
We also have a republished article from 1996. Jim supplies us with some little-known history about parking lots in Park It Over Here.
We hope you enjoy these articles and, as always, thank you for subscribing to Masters of the Marching Arts!
by MMA Staff | May, 2021
Hello, readers! MMA has two new articles for you.
George Oliviero explains adjudication in How Drum Corps Is Judged Today.
And Jim Macri shares memories of his dear friend in My Homage to Bobby Locke.
As always, thank you for reading and subscribing to Masters of the Marching Arts!
by MMA Staff | Apr, 2021
We have two new articles for you to enjoy this week in Masters of the Marching Arts. .
Larry Kerchner offers a history of how drum corps has advanced through the years in Ask the Arranger
Linda O’Connor shares some of her memories of drum corps in I Remember.
Thank you for reading and subscribing to MMA!
by MMA Staff | Sep, 1996
However checkered its history in winning championships may be, Massachusetts has traditionally featured many national contenders. From the late 1950s to the mid 1980s, this state had a formidable national presence that resulted in intense – often bitter – local rivalries.
In the 1950s, the nationally contending corps were I.C. Queensmen, Salem P.L.A.V., St. Thomas More, the Holy Trinity Cadets, Most Precious Blood Crusaders, and the Braintree Warriors, with Cambridge Caballeros, St. Kevin’s, Majestic Knights, and St. Rose Scarlet Lancers just reaching national maturity. (more…)