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Ask the Arranger

Ask the Arranger


Dear Mr. Kerchner,

I’m a lifelong drum corps fan and feel I have been very patient through the years with all the changes DCI has made but enough is enough.


Ask the Arranger

Computer vs. Pencil

The Question:

Dear Larry,

How do you feel about all the changes that have happened in our lives regarding computers changing the way you write, etc.? I have seen a few of your old hand-written charts and I love the personality of them. Now everyone uses music-writing programs like Finale and they all look the same. Who knows who writes what?

“Corky” La Vallee
San Francisco, CA


What Are Your Favorite Arrangements?

What Are Your Favorite Arrangements?

The Question:  Of all the arrangements you’ve done for drum corps, what are your favorites?

The Answer: First of all, there is no way I can remember all of the arrangements I’ve written, let alone prioritize them. In fact, if anyone out there remembers something I’ve written, please let me know via the magazine. It would be fun to reminisce. (Probably embarrassing, too!)


What Are Your Favorite Arrangements?

The First “Ask the Arranger”

When my good friend, Rick Connor, called and asked if I would contribute an article for his new publication, Masters of the Marching Arts, (actually, he said, “aahticle” and “maahching aahts,” but I lived in Boston for many years and learned the language, so I knew what he meant), I responded the only way I could ….”No!”
